Books by Bill Jones, Jr.

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Speculative Fiction (Science Fiction, Sci-fi Fantasy)

The Aligned Worlds series contains elements of epic sci-fi, fantasy fiction, utopian and dystopian sci-fi, space opera, cyberpunk, and literary fiction all woven together seamlessly. Put simply, these books are my best work ever. These are character-driven books featuring unique leading characters that span human and non-human organics, artificial life forms (androids, robots, Artificial Intelligence system) and other characters that don’t fit easily in categories.

The Aligned Worlds series consists of six independent, though interrelated novels: Year 5601, Bohemian Stars, Ordinary Dust, 20 Million Billion Leagues Past Detroit, Stars Aligned, and If A Robot Play The Blues Do It Still Be Funky.

YEAR 5601

Future Fiction, Sci-Fi Adventure

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After 5600 years in space, a young woman is tasked with vetting a planet that might, finally be a home for the thousands of people on her GenShip. More certain is her growing fear that her ship’s captain might be psychotic.

Mya Landric has lived all of her life aboard the Rebibe, a generation ship that launched 5600 years earlier from a dying planet Earth. Everything aboard the Rebibe is tightly regimented via color-coded bars—status, career aptitude, even whom you date or marry. Mya is stuck in the ship’s middle status layer, unnoticed by anyone and unhappy about it. Now, however, the captain and the ship’s Artificial Intelligence, CAMLO, have tasked her with the most important job of her life: investigating a planet that might, finally, be a home. There’s just one nagging problem. Mya and her small group of friends are beginning to believe that perhaps their own Captain Bligh has no intention of letting them land there, and Mya most definitely does not wish to be the Rebibe’s Fletcher Christian.

Emotional, hopeful, and enthralling, this future fiction epic is the first novel in a series of epic adventures in the Aligned Worlds™ universe. Stay tuned for space-time travel, pointless wars, love, sex, and rock and roll, all on planets you’ll have to read about to believe. It’s going to be a wild ride, and Year 5601 takes you there with a roaring start.

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Bohemian Stars

A group of six talented musicians travel through space-time to the distant future to either save the galaxy from interplanetary war, or have the most fun anyone’s ever while had failing to do so.

Four people from Earth, all of them in dire straits, are pulled through space-time portals to a world thousands of years and half a galaxy distant. There’s Tariq, running for his life in 1935 Mississippi; Estelle, busking her way into deep trouble in 2018’s Venice, Italy; Danika, caught in a violent uprising in 2014’s Ukraine; and Hoshiko, who’s just not like the other girls in 2068’s Tokyo. Once through their portal, they meet experienced “traveler” Jemini Starr, who despite her youthful appearance, is over a century old and Mirajia, an emotionally free, mysterious, endlessly talented alien. Together, the group will either form the most kick-ass band the galaxy has ever seen, or save it from interplanetary war. It is epic science fiction at its best, full of alien worlds, space-time travel, interplanetary war, as well as sex, love and rock and roll.

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Ordinary Dust

On a planet where nothing matters as much as status, a twenty-five year-old woman who has always been treated like “ordinary dust” by her family, bonds with her fourteen-year-old nephew and tries to carve a life for herself. When they are both forced to leave home, traveling to distant planets, they will find their idyllic lives will never be the same again. Full of adventure, romance, and suspense, Ordinary Dust is half literary fiction romance and half science fiction crime thriller. Join Eleanora and Finn as they grow up and make their ways on worlds full of alien races, adventure, and tragedy. You’ll end up at the edge of your seat, reading about characters and worlds you will never forget.

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Twenty Million Billion Years Past Detroit

A tall, dark, alien stranger from the far side of the moon leaves 1970s Detroit to lead a team to investigate twin planets that orbit a distant star. Both of the planets share the same orbit, but miraculously, never collide. There is something odd going on with those planets, and Herk Delacroix’s team, cruising in the starship Dolomite, needs to learn what it is before its too late. A fun romp through the galaxy with appearances by characters you’ll have come to know and love from the prior Aligned Worlds™ novels, as well as whole new set of imaginative characters. It’s a wild adventure that marries advanced science and magic in a way that’s never been done before.

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Stars Aligned

A team travels to distant star system to discover the dangerous secrets of the alien species there. There is evidence the planets themselves might be in danger, and the worlds’ residents are too busy squabbling over technology and magical tech to do what’s required for their own survival. Jemini Starr and Herk Delacroix return to lead the way, bringing a team back to the twin planets of Juvaan and Baache, among others. They have to convince the residents of the planets to cooperate before a burgeoning star ignites and givens new meaning to the word sunburn. You’ll love the ride, the humor, and the tense adventure. Strap in and enjoy future fiction at its finest.

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If a Robot Play the Blues Do It Still Be Funky? 

An android named Riley breaks free from the cycle of abuse artificials are subjected to and begins a journey to prove his own personhood. He attempts to prove his consciousness through music and along the way discovers that a soul comes with a dark price. Riley wants to make his own way in the universe. His chosen field of battle is jazz, and his weapon, the double bass. He meets up with Monk, a four-thumbed pianist, and together, they start on a path only the jazz greats from Earth’s music heydays have ever seen. There’s more at stake than music, however. Riley’s people back home are in trouble, and only by proving his own worth can he help them. If A Robot Play The Blues is a science fiction adventure like none other, starring a human-like android lead you’ll never forget.

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Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology

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Beyond the Farr Road brings together eight imaginative tales of science fiction, scifi fantasy, and pure fantasy. Have you ever been stranded on an alien world with only one other sentient life form? Ever met a beautiful little girl who just may or may not be a god? Or maybe you’ve been a little blue Cetusian envoy from a straight-laced planet who’s been stuck on a world full of graceful people with the morals of a bonobo.

No? Then escape to these and other vivid worlds you may never want to leave. These are trips you may never want to return from.

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Dystopian Science Fiction

Hard As Roxx

Sometimes, violence is a style. Sometimes, it’s the difference between your daughters’ survival and their deaths.

In 2137, the universal One Child Law says Roxanne Grail must surrender her daughter Jessi for extermination or die with her. The Law picked the wrong girl. In a world that is a distorted hybrid of rigid control and absolute lawlessness, Roxanne Grail broke The Law: she got pregnant for the second time, and the penalty is death. Now, she and her two girls need to make it across the Sahara to the frozen European north and freedom.

Follow Roxx and her two daughters, along with Roxx’s partner, Trint, as they attempt to flee her youngest daughter’s father, who just happens to lead one of the most powerful armies in the world. It is an exciting battle for survival,  featuring robot armies, a believable dystopian society that’s already coming true, advanced technology, a rebel insurgency, and Roxx, who is determined to kill anyone who threatens her daughters. So, it is Roxx, her two daughters, and Trint, against the world.

Those odds suit Roxx just fine.

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Alternate History / Literary Fiction

Jesse Ed

Jesse Edwin McKinney, III was born stubborn, his birth attended to by flybuzzed sweat, by low expectations, and by the hovering burdens of a house too full of accounts too small. Jesse Ed’s difficult birth would prove to be Mama’s ultimate joy, however, as he, the youngest of her 11 children, is the glue that holds her large family together. As the African American McKinney family begins to scatter in the face of poverty, adversity, and tragedy, only their love and Jesse Ed’s stubborn refusal to quit can hold them together. He means to be the glue, and nothing, not even the threat of death, will stop him.

The Stubborn Life of Jesse Ed McKinney is full of laughter, sensuality, surprises, and satire, but it is empty of the stench of racism all too common in historical black fiction. Someone needed to re-write history; Jesse Ed is as good a place as any to start.

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Crime Fiction / Woman Detective / International Thriller

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Someone has poisoned a London restaurant owner via a radioactive toxin. Now Jeanne Dark and her partner must find the murderer before he or she kills again. Join private investigator, Jeanne Dark, and her partner, Foster Cain, on a wild chase through Washington, the U.K., Austria, France, Spain and Morocco on an international adventure full of danger, intrigue, murder, and romance. Jeanne is a brilliant, intuitive, direct, synesthete who sees the world painted in colors few can comprehend. Imagine Sherlock Holmes rendered as a jazz riff or a Picasso painting, and you’ll have Jeanne Dark.

“Jeanne Dark was out in front with angry police and government agents trying to keep up. What, you may ask, does a woman like that need with an ex-military mutt like me? Simply put, unlike Sherlock Holmes, Jeanne Dark isn’t always right. That’s where I come in—just call me Foss, voice of reason and cleanup crew. Of course, she would tell you she only keeps me around because I have a pretty face.”

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Crime Fiction

Brooklyn Trace

Eddie Daley is tough, smart, handsome, cynical, and way in over his head. After a career in the military, Eddie decided to make some easy money doing mostly skip-trace work on deadbeat dads. During one such adventure, he stumbled across Mina Good Crow, an ex-Marine with a problem to solve.

After a single romantic liaison, Eddie finds himself en route to Brooklyn, New York, where Mina’s equally beautiful sister is trying to solve the mystery of the disappearances of her husband and young son. Like Mina, Kari is sure that Eddie’s the man for the job–and maybe the job of replacing her missing husband too, assuming Mina doesn’t kill them both first.

The Brooklyn Trace, a fast-paced crime drama in the fashion of noir detectives of old. Grab a copy. You’ll be glad you did.

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Short Story Anthology

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The Juice and Other Stories brings together a collection of 15 tales of romance,  science fiction, urban fantasy, and suspense from the imaginative author of The Stream trilogy and the upcoming Sci Fi adventure, Hard as Roxx.

In “Remembering,” beings from another world find themselves herded along their own trail of tears. Their leader, Tofray, has the unenviable job of remembering their stories and their suffering. “Mrs. What’s-Her-Name” details a woman’s struggle to regain her memory, and her life, after a devastating brain injury. In “The Juice,” a woman of the street searches for her next client, and promises him surprises. “The Clown Man” visits a beautiful child’s dreams and turns them to nightmares; however, Cruz, a dream walker, is there, and he means to keep the girl safe.

The novelette “Manhattan Transference” details the story of Luce, a vaporous visitor from a dying planet, who must find the only robotics expert who can help save the alien race from destruction. Luce’s sun will go supernova soon, and without Dr. Roman’s help, all of Luce’s people will die with it. There is only one problem: Luce’s new human form, and the raw emotions that come with it. “Fool O’clock” details a stressful day in the life of Jim Pyle, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Fool Abatement, a government agency tasked with keeping the U.S. safe from fools of all sorts.

In the novelette “Days of the Never Was,” three pairs of arguing friends disappear into a strange fog bank and reemerge with their entire worlds turned upside down.

One reader said, “His collection is so well written that I was done with it before I was ready to be done with it.” Another said, “Science fiction, fantasy, spec fiction, and just good old drama permeates throughout and are told with humor and kindness.” The single these stories have in common in that you will wish they were longer.

Pick yourself up with some humor and kindness. Get a copy today at the link below.

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Author Bill Jones Jr. Books>

Dream Walking / Fantasy Fiction

The Stream (2)

Who says dragons and dreaming are for kids? The Steam Series was dreamwalking before it was cool. Now, eight years after its debut, The Stream has been extensively revised, but with the same sharp wit and fantastic creatures as before.


Previously published as Discovery (The Stream, Book 1)

Grandfather Time

Charlie’s entire summer has been filled with increasingly disturbing dreams. Most feature a strange, dark-haired girl, who watches, but does not speak. Her name is Robin LeBeaux, a girl from New Mexico with a tragic past, and she is quite real. Despite Charlie’s insistent logic, and Robin’s enthusiastic illogic, they become fast friends. Together, guided by Robin’s deceased sister, they discover a singular talent – the ability to walk into and influence others’ dreams.

Now completely rewritten, Charlie’s first adventure in the Stream has been re-released with some new content. Same delightful story but with an improved narrative.

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Previously published as Awakening (The Stream, Book 2)


In the follow-on to Grandfather Time, Charlie and Robin have spent most of a year using others’ dreams as their personal playground. Such is life in The Stream. Now, however, as the dark Lord Siri attempts to gain control of the dream world, Charlie and Robin have decided it is time for an all-out war for control of the Stream. Once again, Charlie is the ideal humble hero, each character’s individuality comes through in clever, zany dialogue, and our imaginations are enchanted through clear and vivid scene descriptions. Fans anxiously awaiting this sequel won’t be disappointed.

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Previously published as Emprise (The Stream, Book 3)


In small-town Virginia, sixteen-year-old Charlie Patterson is hunting creatures that have escaped from the dream world, the Stream. With his partner, Robin LeBeaux, he discovers that something is tearing apart the gateway that separates dreams from reality, and even life from death. Now, he and Robin must again venture into the Stream before the entire universe turns to chaos. There, they are destined to meet the Gatekeeper in the ultimate battle for the future of the multiverse.

Powerful, imaginative, funny, and romantic, this exciting third installment of The Stream Series builds on the prior books, but with an expansive, epic story that stands on its own. It promises to please lovers of fantasy adventure everywhere.

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Literary Fiction Anthology

Stories in Analog

Discover love and heartache, birth and death, laughter and tears in eleven tales featuring characters you’ll never forget. Travel to Spain, Italy, France, the UK, around the USA, and across three centuries in the company of new friends you’ll want to keep when the story’s done.

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Fantasy Fiction Novelette

A sweet, imaginative coming-of-age story between a young Indian girl who has been forced to live her entire life as a boy, and the talking elephant who befriends her. It’s a one-hour read that will stay with you for years to come.

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Keep track of more of Bill Jones, Jr.’s writing projects at Panthera Press’s Instagram page or on Bill’s Twitter account.

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